
Are a diverse and passionate team of Pitzer Students who are committed to collaborative and conduct interdisciplinary approaches to environmental sustainability, 南加州自然环境的长寿, 以及人民的福祉.

Anthony Shing’24 

Anthony (he/him) is a senior studying Environmental Science and minoring in Spanish. He is passionate about people-based science systems that combine technical solutions with community solidarity to develop regenerative frameworks that can serve both people and the environment. Through his work in multiple environmental and social justice organizations on campus, he seeks to create intersectional coalitions that can coalesce to combat climate change apathy and bring people into the broader environmental movement. 


 西莉亚(她/他们)是来自加州旧金山的大四学生. 她目前正在攻读自己设计的环境分析专业, 设计, 和社会学, and is passionate about the intersection between environmental policy and land-rights issues. 西莉亚也是户外运动的狂热爱好者, 希望有一天能沿着太平洋屋脊步道从墨西哥徒步到加拿大!


Tommy Shenoi, 24岁

Tommy (he/him) is a senior majoring in Environmental Analysis and Food Studies major at Pitzer College. 追寻他对探索食物交叉点的热情, 生态, 和艺术, 他通过放飞蝴蝶与社区成员接触, 种植研讨会, 以及当地的食品正义倡议. 作为首席研究员, Tommy is spearheading the Conservancy’s effort to pair mycology – the study of mushrooms and fungi – with environmental justice and sustainability through innovative projects like myco-remediation, 蘑菇栽培, 和本地真菌物种保护.


莎拉, (she/her) is a senior at Pitzer double-majoring in Environmental Analysis and Organizational Studies. 最初来自布鲁克林, MA, 莎拉对草根组织很感兴趣, and environmental policy can intersect to improve community health in the Inland Empire.


克里斯汀(她/她)是一名大四学生,攻读环境科学学位. 她感兴趣的领域包括土壤科学,化学物质的分布 & 重金属污染和食物公正. She is deeply committed to identifying political barriers to environmental organizing and building community capacity for change, 她希望从事环境法方面的工作. 在她的业余时间, 克里斯汀经常在园艺, 跳舞, 阅读, 和她的朋友和家人在一起.


Lilly (she/her) is a senior from Chicago majoring in Environmental Analysis on the Environment and Society track. 在她在匹策的那段时间里, she has pursued interests in food justice and conservation through work at community gardens and teaching local students about Southern California 生态. 她很好奇环境教育如何丰富人们与地方和土地的联系, 引领生态可持续的未来. 莉莉喜欢弹吉他, 公路之旅, and learning about native plants and fungi while exploring the Midwest and Southern California.

Michaela Jones, 24岁

Michaela (she/her) is a senior majoring in Environmental Analysis and American Studies. From Maryland, she enjoys swimming, scuba diving, and exploring new trails with her dog Ollie. She is also an avid runner and loves to explore the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains with her Pomona-Pitzer cross country and track teammates. Her concern for environmental issues began while attending elementary school on a farm in Vermont.

Journey Lipscomb ' 24

Journey (she/her) is a senior double-majoring in Environmental Analysis and Political Studies. 在环境领域, she’s interested in community climate organizing as a mechanism for building political power. 在她空闲的时候, 你可以找到"旅程"去跑步, 在咖啡店放松, 或者做工艺品.


Khylah (she/her) is a junior majoring in science management on the public health track. 她喜欢徒步旅行、露营、旅游和户外活动. 她热衷于让所有人都能更方便地进行户外娱乐活动. 在她的大学生涯中, she has grown interested in environmental justice and the linkages between the physical environment and human health. She values centering community voices in addressing environmental concerns and is excited to work with the community partners of the conservancy!

Danilo Estigarribia Gamarra ' 25

Danilo (he/they) is junior and is double majoring in Environmental Analysis and Critical Global Studies. The student is interested in exploring the way in which power dynamics of the “Global North” and “Global South” intersect with and impact the environment on a global scale. 丹尼洛喜欢徒步旅行和背包旅行. They are also interested in languages, speaking 4 and enjoying linguistics discussions. 达尼洛是一名来自巴拉圭的国际学生, and he has been involved in socio-environmental activism in the Latin American region since 2019. 


Diego Tamayo (he/him) is a junior at Pitzer College and is majoring in Environmental Analysis specializing in the Sustainable Built Environment track. 他大半生都住在钻石酒吧, 一个充满生物多样性交叉点的地方, 当地政府, 社区建设, 土地利用规划. Witnessing Diamond Bar and the larger Southern California region evolve in the face of climate change has influenced his passions for 生态, 城市设计, 运输, 社区场所建设. 他喜欢旅游和摄影, which conveniently come hand and hand with his solo journeying throughout the Greater LA Area and trips with friends and family. 

Natasha Yen’25

Natasha (she/her) is a junior majoring in Sociology and Environmental Analysis and minoring in Asian American Studies. She is passionate about community-based approaches to racial and environmental justice policies and practices. She wants to address racial inequities in land management practices and is excited to work on the land-use project this year to highlight community engagement efforts in land-use planning projects. 


Wyatt (he/him) is a second-semester junior double majoring in Environmental Analysis and History. 来自马萨诸塞州西部, 他热衷于环境政策, 内陆帝国的城市设计和劳工组织. 在学校之外,怀亚特酷爱远足、烹饪和园艺.


Jem (any)是Pitzer学院环境分析专业的大二学生. Their interest in air quality grew when they realized the environmental injustice surrounding the air back in Seoul, 韩国. 在业余时间,他们喜欢看动画片和弹竖琴.


苏菲(她/她)是来自加州伯克利的大二学生. She is pursuing an Environmental Analysis major under the Sustainability and Built Environment track. 她对城市设计最感兴趣, 适合步行的三大城市, 以及社区主导的城市韧性规划. 苏菲是一名狂热的攀岩者,喜欢户外活动!